Deep Blue Rewards Club is a free loyalty program where you earn Blue Points with every purchase on our website. Redeem your points for exciting rewards.
Discover more ways to boost your points and unlock more rewards.

The Rewards Club has three tiers, and the more points you accumulate, the more prizes you earn.

When you subscribe, you will receive a confirmation email from Deep Blue Health (check your junk or spam email folder).
To make a purchase, simply click on the "Get 10% off now" button in the email you received. The discount will then be automatically applied to your purchase.
Every $1 spent = 1 Blue Point

Click here for detailed instructions on how to Redeem Rewards.
Terms & Conditions
- Minimum of 50 points required to start redeeming rewards.
- Minimum order spend is $40.
- Points are redeemed in increments of 10 ($1).
- Maximum points to be used per order: 400 points ($40).
- Points expire after 2 years.
- Please note all reward points and discounts are in New Zealand dollars, if you are using a different currency the points will convert to that currency.
* NZD$. Spend excludes discounts. Deep Blue Health takes no responsibility for loss of points or rewards due to loss of system failure or customer error. The remaining discount is not carried over to the next tier.